Why quantum computing will shape our future

Quantum computing will revolutionize problem solving and data processing during the next years or decades.


The most beautiful commute in the world - Testing uWork workspaces in Tampere, Finland

Tammerkoski Junior Chamber International organised an excursion to Unity Tampere at scenic Pyynikki ridge this spring. Tampere is located in the south-west Finland.

I developed a web app for personal wealth management - Presenting the result from 6 years of work

I started my first full-time job just over 6 years ago, at the end of my university studies. I was living in a low-cost student flat and had money to spare.

Big toe gets numb in skates - After years of trial and error I found the solution

Ice hockey has remained my hobby until these days after skating first time almost three decades ago. Despite my long experience, I suffered for years from an annoying problem with my skates.


Bingo generator - Print bingo papers for wedding and other events

Printing bingo tickets for a wedding, excursion or company party?

Around Iceland in 9 days - Terrain from another planet

Practical advices when going around Iceland by car in 9 days. Should you stay in hotel, what to eat and what to wear in June? Photo gallery.

Credit card not working at Iceland N1 gas stations

Credit card not working in Iceland N1 gas stations? Buy a prepaid fuel card from the cashier.

Amount of data is exploding - Will the data centers be the next environmental evil

The number of data centers is increasing rapidly. What kind of sustainability challenges will emerge and how they will be solved?


Hiking in Banff and Jasper national parks - Road trip in Alberta, Canada

Road trip to Banff and Jasper national parks at the skirts of Rocky Mountains goes definitely at the top among all places I have visited. Only New Zealand can rival with Alberta when it comes to sceneries.

Blogging about professional topics - Experiences and tips

Blogging about professional topics is an excellent way to increase visibility for yourself and your company. Read the tips and experiences!

Industrial Engineering and Management in career - Video answers to questions from students

Video blog series - Industrial Engineering and Management in career See the answers in the Youtube playlist. There are English subtitles.


Should you start investing if a depression is coming? - Data analysis

Investing when a depression is coming. Is it bad moment to start investing to stock index that are usually seen as sage bets?


A nation that seized the time - Lesotho

Lesotho is a nation where time feels to be stopped. As the Grande finale of my trip I did a real grand old man of all hikes.

Robberies in South Africa

Traveling from Cape Town to Durban as part of my around the world trip. Durban was dangerous place.

Google Keep vs Evernote - Requirements for your note app

Personally, I use a note app to store ideas, observations, travel tickets and debts that should be quickly accessible.

Cape Town

The top attraction of Cape Town were beautiful Table Mountain and the Cape of Good Hope. The society has it problems, though.

From the Edge of the World to the Devil's throat - South America

Second part from South America. The nature pics are worth seeing! I also made a bus ticket seller so angry that I got in trouble.

Toggl - Recording work hours to log has never been such enjoyable

Toggl is a mobile app for work hour recording and management. Toggl is not great because of the uniqueness but simplicity.


Traveling through Patagonia

This time I was totally alone. Once again I had no plans prepared and the plane would land in a few hours to Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Hidden brain – Shankar Vedantam, NPR - When you want to know how the world works

Podcast about society. Examples of topics: climate change, crime, women in leading positions and how is it like being rich?

Does it make sense anymore to buy Christmas presents?

Christmas is the festival of joy but buying presents is not so easy. Purchasing presents has became a social compulsion.

Freakonomics Radio, Stephen Dubner - Exploring the hidden side of everything

The best podcast series on my opinion. The podcasts last typically from 30 to 60 minutes and during that time they try to find an answer to a big question such as “Why we still use cash”, “Who is administrating the internet” and “How to prioritize better”. It’s like economic version of the Myth Busters.

A place like a story book - New Zealand

The whole country was like a painting. Let's start with a mellow video of the jump to chilly mountain stream in New Zealand.

This is how I make my every minute productive

Power methods for knowledge workers to get your productivity to the next level: Technology, Ergonomy, Work habits and Task automation.

Happiness Tips, Chris Croft, LinkedIn Learning

I didn't have high expectations for this happiness video course based on my previous experiences. But this video course happily surprised me!

Work stress that shouldn't exist - Newcastle, Australia

Newcastle, Australia. If I would be planning a torture chamber to a medieval castle I would contact Tiger Air company for sure.

Hated by everybody Trump got the second highest number of votes and became the President of USA - This is out of the box thinking

Sometimes pure logic leads to better results than the actual ideology. What is out of the box thinking and how does it relate to Donald Trump's victory?

Sports betting tutorial - Can you make the living?

You can make the living by sports betting. The blog is not sponsored as I'm sharing my own experiences. Read the tutorial.

Splitwise - Split costs easily

Splitwise is a fresh and simple mobile application to split costs. Read experiences to see whether you should download it too.

Wunderlist - Simple and reliable task list

According to my experiences Wunderlist task list is extremely robust choice. Read more about my recommendations.

Alice Springs to Darwin by car

The trip from Alice Springs to Darwin was full of adventure. Sand and dust had changed to thermal pools, waterfalls and tropical plants.

A deadly formula - Uluru, Kata Tjuta and Kings Canyon

Uluru is one the best known landmarks in Australia. Finding it was not too difficult in Australia's Northern Territory.

Open job application - Hire an IT consultant

Open job application: I'm looking for a job in IT consulting so I switched recruiting roles. See my awsome application video!

One-way ticket - Traveling around the world

Traveling around the world without a truck load of money and humongous preparations? It is possible.

Fed Up documentary

The truths that Fed Up documentary revealed were shaking indeed. The food industry is controlling us more than you think.

Insight 2016: My lesson of leadership and management

Insight 2016 was a speaker event organized under Tampere ES. I got great learnings from project and event management.

Moneyball, Michael Lewis - Think outside of the box

The big idea of the book is the team management by data and statistics rather than no-sense opinions. This approach revolutionized the game.


Think Like a Freak, Steven Levitt & Stephen Dubner - A guide to creative thinking

Think Like a Freak - A book review about out-of-the-box thinking. Creative thinking start from an empty table.