Open job application

This open job application is valid until 31.12.2016. Contact me to arrange a meeting: LinkedIn or [email protected]. I have already been in a couple of promising interviews so don’t waste your time. Currently I’m traveling abroad so physical meetins won’t take place during the year 2016.

The video application

My open job application

Starting time

I prefer the beginning of year 2017.


  1. Tampere, Finland
  2. Helsinki, Finland
  3. Any other country

I appreciate possibility to work abroad for some periods as well as remote working if needed.

The company I’m looking for

  • IT or consulting preferred
  • Approximately 50-500 workers
  • Motivated 5/5 work community
  • Internationality is a big plus
  • The top player of its business area
  • Employees get responsibility and freedom
  • Possibility to do the Master of Science thesis is plus

My first criterion for the future workplace is five star work community. After that come suitable duties with talented people. The work should be done with full effort but I really want my work community to be like a family or group of friends. A place where someone is always ready to play billiards or brainstorm a free-time project.


When it comes to reporting or Business Intelligence my skillset is comprehensive enough to many kinds of assignments. But algorithms and statistics are those fields where I want to develop in future.

By my entrepreneur career I have done for example data analytics, reporting system, created websites, processed data, programmed small applications, done system migrations and integrations, took advantage of application programming interfaces and created virtual machines in Microsoft Azure. After all this I have also took care of sales, marketing and governance of my company while managing the customer projects. I would say my talent base is exceptionally strong because of projects executed in work and free-time.

You can find descriptions of my projects by clicking a link below in this post.


In my previous duties my title would have been CEO, consultant, coder, salesperson, project manager, analyst or coach. This is why I can’t classify myself accurately. I would love to hear which position in your organization would fit best for me.

Primarily I’m interested in customers’ business development no matter what the title will be. My best choices for the title would be analyst, consultant and coach. Even though I’m technology minded person I love to go to customers place once in a while.

Community, benefits and salary

I expect social hangouts in a form of Friday pizzas, low hierarchy and possibility to develop my personal skills by video courses or other kind of training. A possibility to have self paid vacation between projects would be awesome.

Why I want to work for you?

Tell me more to proceed to a meeting.

Additional information

References and customer projects

Good guy samples

Video: Selfie in Excel training
Video: Freshmen prank competition

Skill samples

Virus problem: Statistical knowledge
3D visualization of earthquake data
A web application: Search engine for spatial data
A web application: Break calculator

Some websites I’ve been making


LinkedIn or [email protected].