Go web server in Docker deployed to Google Cloud Run
I created a web server with Go language and deployed it Google Cloud Run inside a Docker container.
Machine learning products in Google Cloud
This is a summary of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) products relevant for Machine Learning Engineer role.
EmailLabs - EU based service for 9 000 free transactional emails per month
During my website migration it became evident that I would also need a new email service.
Pipedrive Essential vs Advanced - Comparison of features and pricing on 2020
Pipedrive Essential and Advanced are by far the most popular plans among my customers. A comparison of different subscriptions.
Experiences from funding application classification by text analytics
Experiences from funding application classification by text analytics
Unpivot columns to rows with Excel PowerQuery
Unpivoting columns to rows with Excel PowerQuery. Watch 30 seconds video how to do it without any formulas.
Csv headers to list using Python
Python code to automatically list header fields of multiple CSV files. The original use case was related to data warehouse documentation.
This is how I make my every minute productive
Power methods for knowledge workers to get your productivity to the next level: Technology, Ergonomy, Work habits and Task automation.
Lecture 3 - The Basics of Excel Formulas
In the Excel formula basics lecture we'll first mix numbers and text to create generic sentences and then we use SUM and IF.