Datalore tech review
Datalore is a collaborative data science platform. The notebook experience has been taken to the next level.
Wealth management web app - Technical implementation
Here is a presentation of the wealth management app I have developed.
Visualizing Finland's postal codes in a Filled map in Google Looker Studio
Visualize Finland’s postal code areas on a map in Google Looker Studio. The instructions requires a Google Cloud project and a BigQuery database.
Public report in Looker Studio requires login - Instructions to solve
Looker Studio is a free reporting and business intelligence tool in Google Cloud. Read this, if you are redirected to Google account login page after trying to share a Looker Studio report publicly.
Datalore - Introduction to the advanced analytics platform
Datalore is a fairly recent online platform for advanced data analytics.
Bodo is a faster alternative for Spark to run massive ETL jobs in Python
Bodo is a platform for data processing with Python and SQL. It is especially suitable for large datasets thanks to its unique parallel processing technology.
BigQuery for ML Engineers in Google Cloud
BigQuery is by far the most important storage and processing service in Google Cloud from ML perspective.
Machine learning products in Google Cloud
This is a summary of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) products relevant for Machine Learning Engineer role.
Clustering data using SQL - An example with industrial IoT data
Clustering time series data with SQL - Nice 3D visualization using simple logic. Python notebook example in GitHub with industrial data.
Introduction to AWS Glue for big data ETL
AWS Glue service works especially well for big data batch processing. Read the full post from
Unpivot columns to rows with Excel PowerQuery
Unpivoting columns to rows with Excel PowerQuery. Watch 30 seconds video how to do it without any formulas.
Lecture 7 - Tables, sorting and filtering in Excel
In Excel's table object you can sort, filter and summarize data effortlessly as well as select the formatting that fits your needs.